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Why I created Gritty Path

Why I Created Gritty Path

I felt bad – lonely, confused, depressed, powerless, aimless. Something had to change. It took a while until I realised and was ready to accept that I was the one that needed to change.

My journey led me to believe that I could feel better, by changing myself – how I think, what I feel, how I act and see the world.And them my world and life experience would change as well. But it all starts with me.

Discovering how to change – transform our selves, change our personality, our state of being, consciousness – has been my life’s work ever since.


Getting to really know and understand self means wandering into the darkness, facing our deepest fears and the scariest inner demons. It takes guts to really get to know our selves.

Personal change, or transformation, involves – well – change! Lots of it. Both internally – emotions, thoughts, beliefs, worldviews. And externally – how we perceive and react to life events, how we think and act, what goals we pursue and achieve.

It takes a burning desire to really change ourselves. Nothing less will do.

Hence the gritty part in Gritty Path.


Personal change or transformation takes consistent effort, practice and dedication. It is a path to mastery of own self.

There are no shortcuts. No 💊 pill, technique or a process to gain instant results. No guru or teacher can promise you quick results and deliver on that.

It is a life-long and goal-less journey on a path that we must walk alone. But it is so worth it.

Hence the path in Gritty Path.

Gritty Path

What to Expect

Here I’ll publish what has worked for me – tools, techniques, personal experiences, overview of various ideas and paths to take.

The journey must be walked alone, but we don’t have to be lonely along the way. We can learn from the experience of others, and serve as temporary guides to others.

I’ll write about:

  • meditation
  • inner guidance and intuition
  • guiding emotions and feeling better
  • imagination
  • personal change and transformation

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This I Believe

  • we create our own realities;
  • we are gods, waking up, remembering who we really are;
  • everything we need to create our own reality is within us;
  • we can remake ourselves in our ideal;
  • we are not powerless, stuck or lacking in any way;
  • we can change only by accepting full responsibility for everything in our lives;
  • imagination is key to discovering our true selves.


My Story


Finally I felt relief from the constant sense of anxiety, stress and futility. I realised that I could choose to end my misery. To exit this meaningless life. There could be an end to my depression and self-loathing.

Depression, as a Means of Spiritual Growth

That realisation gave me strength to dig deeper, energy to at least try once more to change my life – how I felt, find meaning, discover my place in life. Thus began my journey of Self-discovery.

We Can Feel Better, Consistently

I discovered that I can feel better. But it takes consistent practice. How I feel is determined by my perspective – my self-concept from which I see myself and the world around me. And my self-concept dictates what meaning I assign to everything happening around and to me, including my thoughts.

We Can Change

Yes, we can change our self-concept. Regardless of circumstances. Even more-so, to change our circumstances, we have to change ourselves first. We need to change within – our self-concept – if we wish to change our outer world and circumstances, including our reactions, thoughts and feelings.

Change Requires Change

This obvious, matter of fact idea was a surprising and hard lesson for me. The idea that to change, we really need to change. Not just read books, attend workshops, discuss self-help/spiritual topics with like-minded folks, meditate or practice some personal development tools once a day for 15 minutes.

To change ourselves and our lives, we have to change – the inner state-of-being or self-concept from which we think, feel, act, how we see ourselves and our world, what meaning we assign to everything.

In other words, we have to die to our old self, to be reborn.

Depression, experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul, in my opinion, is designed to facilitate this process of re-birth.

All is Within

The good news is that everything needed for us to change is within us. We are fully qualified and capable of changing our own consciousness. We have the innate power to change. No need to ask permission from anybody.

We are not powerless! We were not given a consciousness that determines our life experience, but no tools, guidance or power to change it.

Imagination is the language of our consciousness. Feelings and intuition are our guides.

In short – we change by changing our consciousness, our state-of-being or self-concept – and we already possess everything needed to do that.

Path to Mastery

Make no mistake – this is a journey, and it will take all your life. The path to Mastery of Self is never-ending. And it’s good, because the journey is the reward.

There is always more – more to explore, to play with, have fun with, more to become and experience, more to feel, sense and know.

Shall we begin?

Frank Stone
April 2018
Somewhere in the Northern Europe

Feel free to contact me with any questions or challenges you have, or to share your thoughts and experience, or simply to say Hi.

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